Jan 1, 2020
Today's podcast, sponsored by Blaine Oelkers and
Selfluence.com, features calls - brief interviews,
really - with entrepreneurs and authors who share some of the
things from 2019 for which they are most grateful.
This will be a regular feature of the last day of each month.
Blaine Oelkers - http://Selfluence.com and http://BlaineTedX.com
Donna Tucker - http://linkedin.com/in/donnatuckeraz
Rita Goldner - http://ritagoldnerbooks.com
Cristina Whitehawk - http://poweredbygenius.com/read
Kebba Buckley Button - http://kebba.com
Sue Berliner - http://bnakedchocolates.com
Bill Soroka - https://www.notarycoach.com
Barbara Chatzkel - https://linkedin.com/in/barbarachatzkel